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Occult Dream Technology, ODT

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Occult Dream Technology or ODT is a term used to describe a form of psychic technology designed to gain influence and control over persons from a distance primarily utilizing the dreaming state of consciousness.  This technology has been developed and is being utilized by various Hindu gurus and cult organizations to amass followings of people often numbering in the tens or hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

In order to get into the technical details of Occult Dream Technology we need to touch upon a state of consciousness known as the Out of Body State or OBE for Out of Body Experience.  An Out of Body Experience or OBE is a state of consciousness whereby an individual experiences being completely awake and aware in real time and space and realizes that he is out of his physical body.  That is to say that the OBEer is aware that he is experiencing the world, viewing and interacting with objects outside of himself in a non-physical state without the use of his physical body.  When in this state the OBEer understands and knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is literally out of his physical body and he can in fact see his physical body as an object out there.  The reality of the experience is undeniable and unquestionable to the OBEer.  One who has not had a true OBE can only imagine what it may be like but to those few who have actually experienced this state, there is no doubt at all.

The experience of leaving the physical body can be accompanied by experiencing strong vibrations and the sound of wind moving past one.

The threshold or gateway for the Out of Body Experience is crossed by every human at least twice in every 24-hour period.  This threshold is crossed at the time we fall asleep and awaken.  As we fall off to sleep there is a moment when we experience our physical body as fully asleep and our minds as fully awake.  This moment or threshold usually moves by so quickly during our sleeping and waking cycle that it passes unnoticed.  However, there are persons who have a natural disposition to notice this particular moment in the cycle.  In fact, often it is experienced as a state when the person is fully awake in his physical body but finds that he has no motor control over it.  In this state, the person tries to move his arms, legs, neck or any part of the body and the body is completely unresponsive.  This acute immobility can lead to persons experiencing sensations of claustrophobia or asphyxia producing great stress, fear and discomfort.  As such medical science has named this state Sleep Paralysis.

Being a person prone to this experience or a natural projector, I discovered on one occasion that if I simply laid peacefully in this state of sleep paralysis and observed it, not giving into the fear that was often associated with the ‘paralysis’ aspect, I would quite naturally float out of my body.  Moving out of the body can be accompanied by vibrations that reverberate throughout the body.  After exiting the physical body, I would find myself literally ‘out of my body’ looking at my sleeping physical body in real time and space.  This is an extraordinary experience and one that feels quite right and natural!  At first it takes a while to get used to maneuvering in this unfamiliar environment as we must learn to maneuver in our newly discovered energy body and a new (to us) environment.   When an authentic OBE takes place, the experience is undeniable and unquestionable. The experiencer has no question as to what has just transpired and is awed by the newly discovered environment, landscape and reality.  

In this environment, one finds oneself free from the limitations of the physical body and the physical world.  One finds that one can remain in an area near the physical world or one is free to move into other areas depicting other vistas.  One discovers that movement takes place through intention and that one’s imagination becomes an artist’s brush and palette as the objects we imagine can manifest in this new environment.  Indeed, one learns that one can move from the densest or lowest vibratory state which is the area nearest the physical body to ever ascending vibratory states leading to seemingly unlimited vistas and places.  There is much more to be said about this and I will do so in another area of the essay.

An understanding of the Out-of-Body environment briefly described above is necessary to understand the means and methods of ODT for it is in this Out-of-Body environment that ODT takes place.