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Psychic Terrorism is a site dedicated to the description and dissemination of information about the unprecedented use of a variety of forms of psychic technologies for the explicit purpose of influencing and controlling target minds at a distance.  Of particular focus in this treatise is a form of psychic technology known as Occult Dream Technology.  In order to discuss this technology a small glossary of terms as used in this writing needs to be put forth.  Listed below are the terms and their definitions as used herein:

  • Occult Dream Technology – an advanced form of psychic technology whereby an operator gains influence and control over a target mind.
  • ODT – acronym for Occult Dream Technology
  • Operator –  an experienced technician in the use of ODT.  The operator can be an incarnate or disincarnate being.
  • Target Mind – The unsuspecting mind that is the target of an operator’s efforts in the application of ODT.  The victim mind.
  • Out of Body Experience – The experience of being fully conscious and awake outside of one’s physical body.  In this state, one can see the physical body as an object ‘away’ from one’s seat of consciousness.
  • OBE – acronym for Out of Body Experience.
  • Psychic realm – Realm where non-physical phenomenon exists such as thoughts, awareness and non-physical objects of awareness.
  • Intra-psychic – Psychic area unique and specific to each individual.  Can be thought of as the area of one’s personal thoughts, memories and imagination.
  • Extra-psychic – Psychic environment outside of the intra-psychic realm.

My introduction and experience with Psychic Terrorism is as the result of exposure to a Hindu Guru and cult organization.  This group and others like them, subject unsuspecting persons to a variety introductory courses and exercises designed to gain access to the person’s unconscious mind or intra-psychic space in order to influence thoughts and decisions.  Through repeated exposure to the cult group’s ‘spiritual’ exercises and courses unsuspecting people become enthralled and eventually captured, becoming virtual slaves to the gurus and cult organizations.  The story of how I became involved with the guru and cult will be described later.  Our focus now is to describe in further technical detail the means and methods of ODT to help create awareness to this phenomenon so that persons may be forewarned and avail themselves of the information presented here.

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